Workshops &
We teach large and small groups HOW to effectively lead their businesses. Past participants often share that the time invested in the programs is the most valuable time they have ever spent as leaders. We are often compared to Executive MBA programs from leading universities, but with direct relevance to the IT Solution Provider and MSP industry.
Expectations and demands are changing very rapidly and nobody is exempt from the industry pivot. Solution Providers of the past will be significantly challenged to maintain margins, profit, and relevance in the future. The challenge is HOW to transition the existing product and distribution models to those that embrace subscriptions. The reality is HOW to embrace the proper strategy that affects your culture to pivot the business within a relatively short timeframe and remain solvent!
We address many of the key issues affecting Solution Providers and MSPs including:
Ownership loyalty and fear of culture change
Ownership vision not in alignment with rate of change required
Leadership teams are under-skilled for the task at hand
Company financials need quick improvement to fund the pivot
A common theme in all of our programs involves creating business value. Most industry events discuss what needs to be addressed but none are focused on teaching HOW to achieve this success. The image below provides an overview of how we approach integrating our work into tangible business value.
Our programs are customized to the learning objectives of each audience and program sponsor. Services include multi-day workshops, break-out sessions, as well as keynote presentations.
Please contact us for a complimentary and confidential consultation.