Leadership Development Groups
There are few places that we as industry leaders can get actionable leadership development. Our Leadership Development Groups build upon much more than the traditional peer group concept by combining financial performance, training, and an accountability-driven attitude. We offer groups for key company leaders: CEO, Sales, Services, and Finance.
Each group has approximately 12 members, in non-competing markets. The focus is on continuous business improvement for each member as well as the group overall. Meeting 3 times per year, the meetings combine A&G driven industry trends as well as training, individual financial performance, and group led-discussions. The meeting dates are structured to occur near the beginning of business planning for the next year, after the first quarter to check on actual results versus the forecast, and mid-year where we often discuss longer-term innovations and offerings.
All members share their actual financials, with the view of financials being different depending on the group. Key Performance Indicators unique to the Solution Provider and MSP business models are leveraged through each meeting. Our premise is simple ... the numbers don't lie. We are committed to helping teach and lead our group members in ensuring that the results of their hard work ultimately show up in the bank account. Seemingly simple, but often overlooked. This is achieved through your teams, which is why we have groups specific to each key leadership area. Companies that invest in developing their leadership teams have much better business performance!
Many of our clients are also in non-industry specific peer groups. Our Leadership Development Groups are industry specific and involve much more industry trends and training than others. If you are ready to be held accountable for achieving your personal business plan, then please contact us to see if our approach is a good match for you and your company.